Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Composition Questions

  1. What is composition?
  2. Why is it important to understand & utilize composition in photography?
  3. Describe aspects of a “snapshot”.
  4. Describe aspects of a “photograph”.
  5. “Photography is the art of ________________________” 
  6. Describe what interests you the most about this art form or what drew you to this form of communication.
  1. Composition is the arrangement of visual elements within the frame of a photograph.
  2. It is important to understand and utilize composition because you can combine different elements to achieve a specific effect and the elements need to work together for a better photograph.
  3. A snapshot is a casual record of some person, event, or object, and the main importance of it is the memory and not the actual picture.
  4. A photograph is an artistic interpretation of a person, object, or event and should not just show the subject, but it should describe the subject. A photograph requires more attention to detail and the composition is more important than the subject.
  5. "Photography is the art of discovery."
  6. Photography has always interested me because it captures beauty and memories in an artistic way.

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