Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open. Slow shutter speed blurs the movement and takes more time which allows more light. Any movement when taking the picture appears blurred. Fast shutter speeds allow less light and freezes the movement. The movement in the picture appears clearly and looks frozen. When the shutter speed is slower the aperture is higher, and when the shutter speed is faster the aperture is lower so that it is balanced.
                   Slow Shutter Speed:

                Fast Shutter Speed:

Friday, October 24, 2014

Understanding Aperture

Aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken. When the aperture is low is allows more light to enter and has a select focus. It makes the subject appear clear and in focus and the background is blurry. When there is a high aperture less light enters and there is a large depth of field. The whole picture appears to be in focus and is clear. A low aperture usually has a faster shutter speed and a high aperture has a slower shutter speed in order to remain balanced.

                                       Low Aperture

                                    High Aperture

Friday, October 10, 2014

Photographic Themes

I enjoyed shooting this assignment because it allowed me to be creative with all of the themes. My favorite photos are pride (upper left corner) and happiness (middle of the bottom row). I like pride because it shows my mom's pride in her favorite basketball team, and i like happiness because my dog looks so happy when we play with him that it makes me smile. I am pleased with the final result of this project and i feel that I did well.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Peer Portrait

Avani Sonawane

Avani is an easily amused, lazy, creative, and smart person. She loves pandas and her favorite colors are light green and blue. She has a fear of rollercoasters and elevators and she thinks that her greatest flaw is her eyesight. Her hobbies include soccer, dancing, and being on her phone. Avani’s favorite restaurant is Panera. If she could go anywhere it would be California and if she could get rid of something from pop culture it would be Justin Bieber. She would like to break her habit of being lazy and the thing about herself that she would change is her eye color.