Thursday, September 25, 2014

Photo Themes

1.     Anger       

 Fire is a symbol for anger.
2 .     Power

The fuse box shows electrical power.
3.     Ugly

 The dogs face shows anger and scariness which is an ugly view of him.
4.     Calm

Meditation is calming and relaxing
5.  Compassion

My mom is showing compassion for my sick brother by caring for him.
6.    Authority

Superheros are authority figures because they make sure that no one breaks laws or does something wrong.
7.     Pride

My mom has pride for her favorite basketball team
8.     Mysterious

He is closing the door to a dark room like he has something to hide.
9.     Wisdom

Books are full of knowledge and wisdom.
10.  Love

They are getting married which shows that they love each other.
11.  Lazy

My brother is being lazy by laying on the couch and watching t.v. instead of being productive.
12.  Temptation

The dogs are being tempted by the dog treats.
13.  Happiness

My dog appears happy because we are playing with him.
14.  Growth

It is growth because it grows from short to tall.
15.  Memories

The pictures capture memories and save them.
16.  Sounds

The piano is used to make sounds and music.
17.  Diversity

The dogs are different colors which shows they are diverse.
18.  Dangerous

It is very dangerous for you and others to text and drive because you can get into a car accident.
19.  Hope

The sun rising represents hope for a new day and a new beginning.
20.  Truth

People swear by the bible to tell the truth.
21.  Patriotic

Soldiers are patriotic because they love their country and fight for it.
22.  Sad

He is sad because all of the muffins are gone.
23.  Terrifying

It is terrifying because he has a knife with "blood" on it.
24. Abandoned

These crates are abandoned and not in use.
25.  Courage

It takes courage for superheroes to fight villains and protect the city.

Monday, September 8, 2014

My Best Photo

My Best Photo
  I was unable to access photos of my own so I used one of Mr. Nagle's. Since I did not take the photo I do not know the meaning behind it and can not give a personal explanation of the photo. I edited this picture to bring out the bright colors like the green in the threes and the red-like color of the flowers. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

What Makes a "Good" Photograph

1. -in focus
-the meaning or story behind it
-quality of equipment

2.  All of the answers to the question “What makes a good photograph?” had something in common. They all said that an emotional connection or being able to make the viewer feel something when looking at your photo is the most important. Being able to tell a story through a picture is what distinguishes a good photo. A successful photo is one that sparks emotion and has a memorable subject.